Research And Technology Bulletins
Desalination strategies for irrigated agriculture
Potato cultivar evaluation at Cedara
Effect of fungicides on the yield of dry bean cultivars
Maximum residue limits (MRLs) of heavy metals in agricultural soil, irrigation water and crops
Application of nitrogen fertilizers to control Striga in maize
Finishing Merino lambs on planted pastures
Lespedeza Cuneata - Poor man's Lucerne
Short, medium and long duration cereals for cover crops and winter forage
Desalination strategies for irrigated agriculture
Understanding your FERTREC soil analysis report
Management of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water
Climate effect on maize planting dates
The super nutritious Cloeme gynandra L.
Mycotoxins: A threat to animal and human health
Management of African Bollworm on tomatoes
The tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta
Banana bunchy top disease: A threat to the banana industry
Buying and selling livestock at auctions - do's and don'ts
The correct use and application of fungicides
Purslane: A weed with a potential for Human Consumption and Animal Feed
Chemical control options for Fall Armyworm in maize
Dry Bean Cultivar Recommendations
Soybean Cultivar Recommendations 2016
Growth and Development of Cyperus Esculentus
Postharvest food drying technique using a Solar Tunnel Dryer
Making your Hay Bale using a Box Baler
Maize Silage cultivar recommendations for cooler production areas
Fodder Radish and other Forage Brassicas
The use of Fire in KwaZulu-Natal mistbelt and Highland Sourveld
Perennial Ryegrass for Dairy Cows - Grazing from the Third-leaf Stage
Ryegrass for Dairy - Get your soils right
Weed Management Principles for Maize
Soybean cultivar recommendations
Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean
Sclerotinia Stem Rot of Soybeans
Raising bought in or orphan calves kids and lambs
The application of plant based pesticides in sustainable agriculture
Drybean Cultivar Recommendations
Storage and safe use of agrochemicals
Tattooing as method for small stock identification
Agricultural uses of lime and gypsum
Forage Cereals for dryland pasture production
No-till for KwaZulu-Natals small-scale farming systems
Guidelines to Poisonous mushrooms in KwaZulu-Natal
Umhlahlandlela wamaKhowe anobuthi KwaZulu-Natal
Basic guidelines for oyster mushroom pack production using Juncao Technology in KwaZulu-Natal
No-till Crop Production for KwaZulu-Natal
Hot iron branding for Beef Cattle
Ukuphawulwa kwezinkomo ngensimbi eshisayo
Potato production for KwaZulu-Natal
Giant Juncao Grass Cultivation in KwaZulu-Natal
Upland Rice Production in KwaZulu-Natal
Basic Guidelines for Oyster Mushroom fruiting management in KwaZulu-Natal
Soil Testing: A Tool for Rural Development
Completing the Sample Submission Form
Alternative Roughages to use during Droughts
Weight Band to estimate the Live Weight of Meat Goats
Ibhande lokukala isisindo ezimbuzini zenyama
Cover Crops What are they and what are they used for
Dry Bean Cultivar Recommendations
Hot Iron Branding for Beef Cattle - isiZulu
Maize Cultivar Recommendations
Soybean Cultivar Recommendations
No-till for KwaZulu-Natal's small-scale farming systems
Forage Cereals for dryland pasture production
Agricultural uses of lime and gypsum
Tattooing as method for small stock identification
Storage and safe use of agrochemicals
Drybean Cultivar Recommendations
The application of plant based pesticides in sustainable agriculture
Raising "bought in" or orphan calves, kids and lambs
Sclerotinia Stem Rot of Soybeans
Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean
Soybean cultivar recommendations
A Review of the Principles of Veld Management and the Consequences of Poor Veld Management
Attributes of an ideal Green Maize Hybrid and Production Constraints in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Growth Rates of Pigs Fed on incremental levels of Acacia Tortilis Leaf Meal-based Diets
Dry Bean Cultivars for KwaZulu-Natal
Essential Oil production in KwaZulu-Natal (Tree Tea)
Multi-season Maize Cultivars for KwaZulu-Natal
Potato Production for Small-scale Farmers
Revitalization and Preservation of the (Imvu) in KwaZulu-Natal
Soil Acidity and Nitrogen Studies under No-till Maize in KwaZulu-Natal
Sweet Potato Vine Multiplication for Small-Scale Farmers in KwaZulu-Natal
The production of Sweet Potatoes
The untold story of the Pig Farming Sector of rural KwaZulu-Natal
The use of Allelopathy in a Weed Management strategy
Tillage and Carbon Dynamics in KwaZulu-Natal’s small-scale Farming Systems