Establishment of panel of events management service providers for the period of thirty-six (36) months.
Published date: 16/01/2025
DARD01/2024 - Appointment of a panel of service Provider(s) for supply, delivery and off- Loading of store items (stationery and Cleaning materials) for a period of three (03) years.
Published date: 21/10/2024
DARD02/2024 - Appointment of a panel of service Providers for supply, delivery and Offloading of personal protective Equipment (ppe) to the department for a Period of three (03) years
Published date: 21/10/2024
DARD 24/2023 - Appointment of a panel of service providers to supply, deliver, offload and/or erect fencing material
Published date: 16/07/2024
DARD 17/2022 - Provision of a high performance liquid chromatograph for Analytical Services
DARD 17/2022 - Provision of a high performance liquid chromatograph for Analytical Services
DARD 05/2022 - Rehabilitation of farm access road at Kokstad Research Station
DARD 17/2022 - Provision of a high performance liquid Chromatograph for Analytical Services
DARD 01/2021 - Provision of Security Services in the Cedara Complex for a period of 36 months
ZNB 4315/19A Establishment Of A Panel For Events Management Services