Audio and video clips, multimedia products


Operation Siyahlola at KwaSintu Farming Project

Operation Siyahlola in Kokstad Research station after the damage by inferno

Agriculture Deputy Minister's visit to veldfire victims in Mkhambathini

Rabies vaccination drive

Handover of bales to farmers affected by veldfires

Launch of wool improvement 

Provincial Multi-Planting Season Launch 

KwaZulu-Natal Cannabis Expo 2023 

KZN DARD YouTube Channel

KZN Floods: Flood impact on agricultural sector

MEC Sithole-Moloi launches the Unemployed Agricultural Graduate Programme

Owen Sithole Graduation Ceremony

KZN Floods Intervention and Agricultural Stakeholder Engagement

Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Awareness

KZN Storms: Devastating storms cost farmers, farming communities millions in damages

MEC Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi's 2022/2023 Budget Speech

Budget Vote 2022

Vaccination Campaign rolled out in KwaHlabisa to curb the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease - Video 1;  Video 2;  Video 3

MEC Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi visits Mgazi Primary School in Nquthu as part of the adopt a school program

Premier hands over 40 Water Tankers to King Cetshwayo District

Premier hands over 40 Water Tankers to King Cetshwayo District - 2

2019 Planting Season Radio Advert

Ukhozi FM - Audio clip 1

Ukhozi FM - Audio clip 2

Youth Month advertisement

Rabies Awareness

Audio Clip on Rabies Awareness

Farm Worker Juliet Khabo interviewed by Sli Bhengu at KZN Female Entrepreneur Awards Ceremony 2017

Budget Vote Speech 2017/18

Fall Armyworm Public Service Awareness

Commodity video

Gladiantics Highlights

Orientation 2015

Umsinga Goat Project

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