Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives


An inclusive, sustainable and radically transformed agricultural sector that builds thriving communities in balance with nature.


To advance sound agricultural practices that stimulates comprehensive economic growth, food security and advancement of rural communities.


  • Batho Pele Principles and service orientation- Departmental officials will conduct themselves in a manner befitting a government that is caring, dedicated and pro-poor, influenced by the spirit of ubuntu.
  • Co-Operative Governance and Strategic Partnerships- the Department commits itself to the principles of cordial inter-governmental relations and strategic partnerships across all spheres of society, with particular focus on business and civil society organizations as delivery partners.
  • Self-sufficiency and independence- the Department commits itself to the promotion of self-sufficiency in all its interventions and focuses on the empowerment of people to be more independent and entrepreneurial.
  • Transformation- Department is an agent of state transformation agenda to change the historical uneven development of the South African and KwaZulu Natal society and its policies must reflect this character at all times.
  • Financial Prudence and Resource Limitations- the Department is the custodian of public funds and its policies must promote economical use of such limited funds to achieve efficient and effective delivery of public services. Government will always be faced with a challenge of growing public demands and limited resources to fulfil every obligation.
  • Accountability and Transparency- the Department is obligated to promote good governance by accounting and being transparent to the public, legislature and oversight institutions for its performance and use of public resources.
  • Development and recognition- The Department’s employees are recognized as its most valuable asset and therefore it aspires to ensure the on-going development and recognition of an effective, professional team.


The strategic goals and strategic objectives of the Department as reviewed for alignment with government mandate and priorities and mandate of planning institutions to restructure the processes of development and service delivery as reflected, changes as effected are reflected below:

To provide veterinary services to clients in order to ensure healthy animals, safe animal products and welfare of people of South Africa.

Strategic Goals Strategic Objectives

Unleash agricultural potential

To provide agricultural support services to farmers in order to ensure sustainable development and management of agricultural resources
To provide support to all farmers through agricultural development programmes
To provide expert and needs based research, development and technology transfer services impacting on development objectives
To provide and maintain infrastructure facilities for the line function to perform their research and other functions
To provide and maintain infrastructure facilities for the line function to perform their research and other functions
To provide timely and relevant agricultural economic services to the sector in support of sustainable agricultural and agri-business development to increase economic growth.
To provide tertiary agricultural education and training from NQF levels 5 to anybody who meets the minimum requirements to study in agriculture and related fields.
To provide formal and non-formal training on NQF levels 1 to 4 through FET structured education and training programmes to all interested agricultural role players

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