Second - Year Course Description
A co requisite course is a course that must be done in conjunction with another course, irrespective of the timing of the two courses. An example would be that a student doing Dairy Production must also do Fodder Production, i.e. knowledge of fodder Production is vital in order to fully grasp and apply the principles of Dairy Production.
A students doing Beef Production. Dairy Production, Pig Production, Poultry Production or Small Stock Production must pass both the theoretical and practical components of the course. This includes the relevant extra-curricular courses associated with Animal Production specialization.
This course is compulsory1 for Crop Production specialization students
Principles of maximum economic yield; cultivar choice; soils and growth requirements; climatic requirements; cultural practices; pest and disease problems and control; weed control; crop rotations; harvesting; grading and marketing; yield estimates. The production of maize, soybeans, dry beans, groundnuts, sunflowers, potatoes, wheat and cotton crops in South Africa. This course is a prerequisite for Agronomy 11 in the Diploma programme.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production specialization students
Diseases of livestock – internal and external parasites, mastitis, metabolic/nutritional
Diseases, toxic conditions, diseases of feedlots, diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and rickettsia. Diseases affecting reproduction and breeding seasons, calf/lamb rearing, primary animal health programmes and common diseases and control measures affecting beef and dairy cattle, small stock, pigs, horses and poultry.
This course is a co-requisite for Equine Management 1
This course is compulsory2 for Animal Production specialization students.
Co requisite: Animal Production A, Animal Production B, Animal Production Practical, Fodder Production, Veld Production B, the Brahman OR Gertrudis Judging Course.
Breeding seasons and herd management; record keeping; nutrition of the beef herd. Breeding and selection principles; production systems; facilities; feedlotting; marketing. Conditions scoring of beef cattle; beef performance testing; bull and heifer selection. Visit to Meadow Feeds, Abattoir, local sale auction, feedlot and Allerton Veterinay Laboratory.
This course is a prerequisite for Beef Production in the Diploma programme.
This course is compulsory2 for Animal Production specialization students.
Co-requisite: Animal Production A, Animal Production Practical, Cultivated Pastures and Artificial Insemination course and the Jersey Judging Course or equivalent.
The dairy industry; dairy herd dynamics and fertility management; herd management; record keeping; calf and heifer rearing; dry cow management; milking procedures and dairy hygiene; dairy farm buildings; protein nutrition; energy nutrition; roughage requirements; dry matter intake; practical feeding of the dairy cow. Dairy cattle condition scoring; bull selection and advanced reproductive techniques; milking duties; visit to Meadow Feeds, Abattoir; local sale auction, feedlot and Allerton Veterinary Laboratory.
This course is a prerequisite for Beef Production in the Diploma programme.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students.
Introduction to entrepreneurship; basic business concepts for the prospective entrepreneur; entrepreneurial and small business management; identification and evaluation of business opportunities; the business plan; setting up a business.
This course is an elective for both Animal Production and Crop Productions specialization students.
Management of the farm which involves planning, decision making and control. Analyzing of management information using various methods. Interpretation of financial statements; budgeting; farm machinery management; sources and use of credit; estate planning and taxation and forms of business organization.
This course is a prerequisite for Farm Business Management 11 in the Diploma programme.
Co-requisite: Communication Skills
This course is an elective for both Animal Production and Crop Productions specialization students
The feasibility study is compulsory for all students. Feasibility study comprises a number of parts. Library practicals and tasks; Knowledge of secondary sources of agricultural information; topic analysis; advanced literature search; citations and compilations of references (acknowledgement of sources); writing skills e.g. preparation in terms of an introduction, main body, discussion and conclusion; Pubic speaking; preparing students in presentations skills. The main part of Feasibility Study comprises an assignment whereby the student is allocated a topic relating to a problem area in agriculture. This topic must be thoroughly researched and then written up in a scientific format, with the student reaching a feasible, cost–effective solution. The assignment is also presented verbally to both staff and students.
This course is a prerequisite for the Diploma programme.
This course is an elective for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students.
Selection of pasture species; establishment of cultivated pastures; fertilization of sown pastures; management of cultivated pastures, irrigation of pastures; reserve fodder types; main grass and legume pastures in KwaZulu –Natal.
This course is a co-requisite for Beef Production; Dairy Production; and Small Stock Production
This course is an elective for both Animal Production and Crop Productions specialization students.
This course is compulsory for Animal Production specialization students.
The grass ecology project concentrates on the natural pasture and entails the students collecting 30 of the most important grass species on a farm their choice. The overall condition of the veld is assessed, animal grazing behavior on veld is observed, and economically viable future management practices are devised accordingly.
This course is compulsory1 for Crop Production specialization students.
Forestry development in SA; the timber industry; site, species and profit assessment; site proportion norms and requirements; growing coniferous species; growing black wattle; growing eucalypts commercially; match poplar; growing high value timber species; farm tree planting agro - forestry; seedling production; wed control; forest mensuration; protection against forest fires; the tree farmer and legislation; timber processing, products and preservation.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students.
Economic role – determining labor requirements; remuneration principles and systems. Administrative requirements – recruitment, initial and ongoing training; accommodation and health care; contracts and records. Managing labor – organization structure; motivation and situational management styles; resolving problems; disciplinary procedures; grievance procedures; retrenchments; trade unions; strike handling Labor legislation.
This course is compulsory for for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students.
Core requisite: Soil science I & II.
Introduction to the concepts of climatology, mapping, soil survey and yield estimates.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students.
Introduction to the concepts of land-use planning; farm resource assessments; present farming enterprises and economics and optimizing the farm.
This course is a prerequisite for Land Use Planning 11 en the diploma programme.
This course is compulsory2 for Animal Production specialization students.
Co-requisites: Animal Production
Overview of the SA Pig industry. Pig breeds used in SA; housing; reproduction; selection of gilts, sows and boars; feeding principles and strategies; management of gilts, sows and piglets; carcass and meat quality; the SA pork classification system; factors affecting death during transit; factors affecting the reproductive performance of the sow; management of the boar; record keeping. Pig Project: each practical group is required to present an assignment of general pig husbandry practices from breeding of the sow to farrowing, weaning and remating. Each student is given a particular husbandry practice which must be researched and presented to the rest of the practical group. Other practicals are: visits to Hogan Stud, Pig Performance Testing Scheme, Meadow Feeds, Abattoir and Allerton Veterinary Laboratory.
This course is a prerequisite for Pig Production 11 in the Diploma programme.
This course is an elective for crop production specialization students.
Pre-requisite: Botany.
Introduction of concepts amongst others viz.climatic zones, fruits management i.e. Banana, mango, citrus, avocado and macadamia [nuts], fruits handling, harvesting of fruits, pruning, maintenance pests and diseases.
This course is compulsory for Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students, Spreadsheets and graphs.
This course is compulsory for Animal Production specialization students
Co-requisite: Animal Production Practical, Animal Production, Cultivated Pastures and Natural Pastures, Either Dohne Merina OR SAMM course and the full woll school run aby BKB.
Nutritional requirements of sheep; nutrition and wool production; feeding of the ewe and its influence on the growth and survival of the lamb; feeding of lambs; intensification of sheep production; feeding of rams; utilization of veld; drought feeding; over wintering; factors of importance in slaughter lab production; methods of increasing mutton production; factors influencing the value of the carcass; management and selection of rams’ ,mating methods; management and selection of ewes; management for more lambs and for low lamb mortality; preparing for lambing down; treatment of hypothermic lambs; rearing of the orphaned lambs; treatment of slaughter animals; grading and quality characteristics of mutton; wool production; general management and nutrition of goats Selection of the flock ram; condition scoring sheep; wool practical (Shearing week): visit to Meadow Feeds, Abattoir, local sale auction, feedlot and Allerton Veterinary Laboratory
This course is a pre-requisite for Small Stock Production 11 in the Diploma programme.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students.
Theory of various diagnostic soil materials; procedure for the description of soil profile; taxonomic soil classification system for SA identification of soil forms and families; land use potential of soils; cropping practices recommended for different soil forms; management systems for sustainable utilization.
This course is a prerequisite for Land Use Planning 11 in Diploma programme
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students.
Demonstration and identification of various diagnostic soil materials; sustainable use; land capability, evaluation and cropping potential.
This course is a prerequisite for Land Use Planning 11 in the Diploma programme.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students. This course introduces concepts of : the mechanical workshop, site, building and construction, workshop tools and equipment, engineering materials, welding process, tractor and implement training.
Co-requisite: The Simmentaler Judging course
This course is compulsory for Animal Production specialization students
A group project involving feeding, halter training and preparation of animals for the Cedara Mini Show, Future Farmers competition and the Royal Agricultural Show in Pietermaritsburg. Experience in animal behavior, formulation of finishing rations, feedlot management and the finishing of slaughter animals is gained. A written report is required which includes an economic analysis of the project.
This course is compulsory1 for Crop Production specialization students.
Botany of the cane plant; characteristics of sugarcane varieties; husbandry and seed cane production; cultural practices; common pests and diseases and their control; weeds and their control; soil management and sustainability; fertilizer management; irrigation methods and system design; mechanization; harvesting and ripening of cane; management principles.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students. This is one of the five modules which together form the Civil Engineering component of the Higher Certificate (refer Civil Engineering). The aim is to teach students to use a dumpy level and to complete a field survey book.
Co requisite: Vegetable Project – for those doing Crop specialization
This course is compulsory for Crop Production specialization students.
Production principles and practice: classification; economic and human-nutritional value; commercial vs. subsistence forms. Principle features of choice of crops; scheduling plantings of crops; cultivar choice; packaging and marketing; choice of land and soil; land preparation; fertilization programmes; crop establishment; specialized cultural practices; irrigation requirements; pest, disease and weed control; harvesting and post-harvest handling; post-crop land handling; general labor requirements. Botanical and phonological features of several main types of vegetable crops; responses to climatic and soil factors; any special consequences and practices.
This course is a prerequisite for Horticulture in the Diploma programme.
Co-requisite: Vegetable Production
This practical project that is typed-up in document form; involves planning and preparation of vegetable plots; planting; fertilization; weed, pest and disease control; harvesting and economic analysis of results.
This course is a prerequisite for Horticulture in the Diploma programme.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students. This introduces learners to meaning and scope of extension, development of extension in South Africa, relevance of communication to agricultural officers, personal, social, economic and creative play, barriers that impede communication in extension, ways by which adult learn, process of learning, ways that affect changes, use of training aids, five senses of acquiring knowledge, approaches to agricultural extension, adoption and diffusion process and extension methodology.
This course is an elective for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students. (Gas and Electrical welding)
Any three of Agronomy , Forestry, Fruit Tree Crop Production, Sugar Cane Production or Vegetable Production
Any four of Beef Production , Dairy Production, Pig Production, Poultry Production or Small Stock Production
This course involves all streams and it consists of 3 tutorial/practical session, structural components of the tractor, types of tractors and their uses in the farm.