First -Year Course Description
This course is compulsory for Crop Production specialization students.
Plant anatomy - the cell; tissues and organs; cell divisions; elementary genetics; plant morphology – roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit; plants and water; plants and soil; plant nutrition; photosynthesis; carbohydrate metabolism (respiration); plant growth and chemical control of growth; flowering and chemical control of flowering.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students.
Length, volume, area, decimals; formulae; exponents; ratios, proportions and percentages; conversion tables and problem solving.
Arrangement of data; tables, Graphs, Bar charts, histograms, pie charts; equating of a straight line; scatter diagrams; normal distribution curves (mean, median, mode, standard deviation, standard error, co-efficient of variation).
This course is compulsory for Animal specialization students.
The anatomy and physiology of domestic livestock. This course covers all the systems in the body highlighting growth and reproduction. Immune system; concepts of primary animal health (disease prevention) through hygiene (including dairy and slaughter hygiene; vaccines and use; veterinary assistance; State controlled diseases).
ANIMAL PRODUCTION (Breeds, Physiology and Anatomy)
This course is compulsory for Animal Production specialization students.
Commonly used terms; Production systems; cattle, sheep, goat, pig, poultry and horse breeds; reproduction; lactation; growth and development of tissues and organs; carcase and meat quality in production animals.
Basic genetics; selection principles and breeding methods; basic animal nutrition; components of feed; ruminant and monogastric digestion (pig and poultry), digestion in horses
This course is a corequisite for Beef Production, Dairy Production, Pig Production, Poultry Production and Small Stock Production.
This course is compulsory for Animal Production specialization students.
Dairy or beef cow visual appraisal and linear classification; slaughtering of farm animals; basic veterinary techniques; animal behaviour and handling; internal and external parasites and their control; worm egg counts and eye colour charts; castration and tail docking of lambs; hoof care and crutching of sheep; hoof care of cattle; introductory wool practical; identification of farm animals and hot iron branding; dehorning and castration of beef calves; ration balancing revision; all students must equip themselves with overalls (two pairs). Gumboots or closed shoes and a clipboard for all animal practicals.
This course is a corequisite for Beef Production, Dairy Production and Small Stock Production.
This course is compulsory for consumer siences specialization students.
This course is compulsory for Animal Production specialization students.
The aim of the Library project is to give students practice in how to use the library to gather information, to reason as scientifically as possible and evaluate critical information on a subject. Students must solve the problem of which breed best suits a particular system and environment.
The Civil Engineering component of the Second Year is made up of five independent modules, namely Farm Construction, Hydraulics and Water Provision, Irrigation and Drainage, Resource Conservation and Survey Practical. These are discussed separately under the individual course descriptions.
This course is compulsory for Consumer Science specialization students
Basic sewing skills. Using different textiles, craft materials and processes to produce garments for household members, and the operation of a small business. Design principles; Use and maintenance of sewing machine; measurements and use of commercial pattern; introduction to textiles. Fashion; movement of fashion; fashion merchandising; family clothing management; clothing production; fabric finishes; clothing marketing
This course is compulsory for Consumer siences specialization students
Garment construction
This is a compulsory course for Animal Production specialization students.
This introduces concepts of: components of feeds, functions of food and water, dry matter, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, digestion of feed by ruminants and non-ruminants, digestive tract, absorption of feed by all types of animals, comparison between all types of animals.
This course is compulsory for Crop Production specialization students.
The aim of the crops project is to give student practice in how to use the library to gather information, to reason as scientifically as possible and evaluate critical information on a chosen subject.
The project is a documented literature survey on a selection of agronomic principles based on a crop of the student’s choice.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students. Production, costs of production; optimum level of production; input and output substitution; introduction to marketing, price analysis, marketing information; agricultural marketing in South Africa.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students.
Double entry system and financial statements; books of original entry and subsidiary books; reconciliation statements.
This course is compulsory for Consumer siences specialization students
Developing skills in food preparation and food preservation to improve the household diet and to deliver a food provision and catering service. The development of technology and appropriate food processes to add value to food for household use and the market. The operation of a small business is also covered.
This course is compulsory for Consumer Sciences specialization students
International cuisines
This course is compulsory for Consumer Sciences specialization students
Concept of primary health care; health facility plan for R.S.A.; Guide to family health; Personal health; Family planning; Immunisation programmes; common diseases.
This course is compulsory for Consumer sciences specialization students.
Introduction to Consumer sciences and the Family Resource Management framework as contributing to the Farming System Research and Extension. It includes the critical reflection and application of knowledge on family functions and gender issues. Financial management and consumer skills.
This course is compulsory for Consumer sciences specialization students
Concepts of goals in meals management, different types of meals, meal planning procedures, planning special meals and receptions and cake sales.
This course is compulsory for Consumer sciences specialization students
Human anatomy; digestive tract; Nutrients: ingestion, absorption; metabolism; Nutrition requirements during the life cycle; Nutrient interaction; Nutrition during the life cycle; Fat soluble vitamins; water soluble vitamins; Minerals; Trace elements; Nutrition related diseases.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students.
Tillage implements; planters; hay-making machinery; balers; silage-making machinery; planting machinery; fertilizer and long-box spreaders; broadcasters; tractor mechanics; calculations; power. Practicals - setting and maintenance of mouldboard and disc ploughs; cutter bar, disc and drum mowers; stripping and assemblage of an engine.
This course is compulsory for Crop Production specialization students
Herbicides; basic weed science; weed management; calibration of boom sprayers and knapsack sprayers; spray nozzles; herbicide resistance in weeds; chemical toxicity; plant pathology; fungi, bacteria and viruses; entomology; origin of plant protection practices;
Importance of crop protection in agricultural production; agricultural pests, their classification and important characteristics; insect pests and their classification; application of pesticides; the safe use of plant protection products.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production and Crop Production specialization students. Word processing; tables
This course is compulsory for Crop Production specialization students.
Soil texture, structure, colour and consistence; bulk density; pore space; soil air; soil temperature; soil physical properties and cultivation practices; conservation practices to maintain structure and soil physical properties; soil water,introduction on irrigation; influence of irrigation on soil and land potential; general management practices regarding water use in irrigation farming; soil properties that influence irrigability; maintenance and reclamation of irrigated soils; saline and sodic soils; drainage.
This course is compulsory for Crop Production specialization students.
Colloidal and chemical properties of soils; soil pH, effect of pH on soil fertility; micro-organisms in soil; factors influencing soil microbe numbers; organic matter, carbon and nitrogen cycling in soils; sulphur and phosphorus in soils; plant trace elements; liming materials and the application of lime; fertilizers; soil analysis; interpretation of the soil analysis report; fertilizer application rate calculations; fertility management for various cropping systems.
This course is compulsory for both Animal Production specialization students
Development and distribution of plant communities; ecology of main grazing lands in SA; classification of Bioresource Groups; alien plants and their control; growth and development of grass and legume plants as well as the tree and shrub; effect of defoliation on plant communities; value of veld and pasture as animal feed; the animal as a management factor; Practicals include general ecology and grass identification. Students must equip themselves with appropriate attire, including gumboots and a clipboard for all practicals.
Terminology used in vegetation and its management; veld condition assessment; grazing management; soil erosion; resting; veld burning; veld management; veld and pasture records; economics of veld and pastures. Practicals include veld condition assessment and defoliation / burning trails. Students must equip themselves with appropriate attire, including gumboots and a clipboard for all practicals
This course is a corequisite for Beef Production, Grass Ecology and Small Stock Production.
It introduces students to the types and process of growing media sterilization, protective structures, plant propagation (asexual and sexual propagation), cooling and heating systems.
The co-requisite is Nursery management B.
It introduces concepts of hydroponics crop production, i.e. media fertilizer maximising efficiency, nutrition of growing media, gravel film techniques, nutrient film technique, bag culture, site selection and sanitation.
This course is compulsory2 for Animal Production specialization students.
Co requisites: Animal Production A and Animal Production B
Overview of SA poultry industry; poultry farming systems; housing of poultry; reproduction of poultry; digestion and metabolism in poultry; nutrition; rearing of chicks; layer management; broiler management; record–keeping. Visit to private farms, practical work with on-site broiler and layer unit.
Natural Science
This course is compulsory for all streams and it entails: physical sciences, force, work, energy, density, pressure, effect of heat, transmission of heat, calorimetry, energy and change and electricity.
Basic Statistics
This is a compulsory course across all the streams. It introduces concepts: formulae, graphs and statistics, algebra, variables and constants use, statistics, terminology.